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Apakah Saya Benar-Benar Bahagia? |
Tapi, pernahkah Anda bertanya pada diri sendiri, bagaimana rasanya menepati posisi dan melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan? Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa penampilan kebahagiaan yang mereka hadirkan itu asli, tapi bisakah Anda benar-benar tahu pasti? Mungkin saja ada beberapa orang yang benar-benar bahagia seperti penampilan mereka dalam pelayanan mereka kepada Yehuwa, tapi ada sesuatu yang tidak diketahui oleh Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa awam tentang orang-orang ini.
Diminta untuk Menjadi Bahagia, atau Sedikitnya Terlihat Bahagia
Organisasi Menara Pengawal memberikan instruksi tambahan kepada setiap orang yang melayani mereka dalam kapasitas yang lebih besar daripada rata-rata peyiar. Informasi tambahan tersebut mencakup instruksi berulang untuk berperilaku seperti Anda bahagia meskipun faktanya jika tidak, agar supaya mendorong orang lain untuk terlibat dalam layanan purna waktu.
Apakah pengaruh keluhan tentang kehidupan kita sebagai perintis terhadap orang lain?Ya, memang seperti itu apa rasanya; para Saksi berulang kali diingatkan bahwa mereka perlu terlihat senang dalam pelayanan mereka untuk merekrut orang lain ke layanan serupa. Saya melayani sebagai seorang perintis, dan kemudian sebagai penatua. Dalam kedua peran tersebut, instruksi tambahan yang saya terima dari Menara Pengawal mencakup instruksi/pengingat/perintah, apa pun yang Anda inginkan untuk menyebutnya, agar terlihat menyenangkan dan menikmati pelayanan tersebut.
Bila keadaan menjadi sulit bagi kita, dari pada mengungkapkan kecemasan atau mengeluh kepada orang lain, apakah yang lebih baik kita lakukan ? – Bersinar sebagai Penerang di Dunia (2004), halaman 127
Saya mengikuti saran itu, dan dengan bersemangat mendorong orang lain untuk mengejar semacam layanan penuh waktu. Apakah itu berarti saya benar-benar bahagia seperti yang saya lihat? Tidak. Tidak sama sekali. Mungkin saya seharusnya memenangkan sebuah penghargaan untuk akting, jika memang saya menikmati pekerjaan saya sebagai penatua, atau segi pelayanan kepada “Yehuwa,” yang sebenarnya saya pelajari adalah pelayanan kepada organisasi Menara Pengawal.
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Mengapa Dikatakan Bahwa Kegembiraan Bukanlah Sebuah Pilihan? |
Realitas pelayanan saya kepada Menara Pengawal adalah saya selalu merasa sangat frustrasi, dan sering kali marah. Dengan kemampuan terbaik saya, saya mengikuti mandat organisasi, dan melakukan apa yang diperintahkan kepada saya. Terlepas dari kenyataan ini, atau lebih tepatnya, karena kenyataan ini, hidup saya jarang berjalan dengan cara yang membuat saya benar-benar bahagia. Aku merasa seolah hidupku bukan milikku. Selalu ada tanggung jawab lain yang harus saya jaga untuk organisasi ini, dan saya memiliki sedikit waktu berharga untuk melakukan sesuatu yang sebenarnya saya ingin lakukan. Saya menunda kepentingan saya dan mengejar hal-hal yang ingin saya lakukan dengan berkeyakinan bahwa saya akan punya waktu untuk hal tersebut ketika firdaus atau “sistem baru” tiba.¹
Ketika saya merintis, saya menyadari bahwa sebagian besar perintis sebenarnya tidak sebahagia seperti kelihatannya. Sering ada perselisihan di antara para perintis, kepicikan, dan untuk beberapa lainnya, sebuah hak istimewa yang kosong. Perintis sejati yang saya tahu, sebagian besar, bukanlah orang yang bahagia. Beberapa di antaranya, tapi kebanyakan yang saya tahu tidak bahagia. Hal yang sama bisa dikatakan kepada banyak penatua. Kerapkali mereka pandai berpura-pura di depan, tapi berkali-kali juga sebenarnya tidak bahagia dalam arti yang sebenarnya.
Yang Benar-benar Bahagia
Seiring kesadaran masuk ke dalam diri saya, saya juga menyadari bahwa Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa yang paling bahagia yang saya kenal adalah orang-orang yang ada di pinggiran [tidak terlalu aktif], dan tidak terlalu giat. Hidup mereka sepertinya selalu menghasilkan kebahagiaan yang lebih sejati. Menyadari hal ini, pada saat itu, hanya membuat saya lebih frustrasi lagi. Bagaimana saya tidak mendapatkan berkat Yehuwa untuk semua pekerjaan saya, ketika orang-orang ini tampaknya bahagia, padahal usahanya jauh lebih sedikit? Saya tidak pernah sepenuhnya berdamai dengan situasi itu sampai akhirnya saya “terbangun”.
Setelah saya menyadari apa itu Menara Pengawal, akhirnya saya bisa memahami pengalaman hidup saya. Beberapa dekade saya menutup pikiran pada akhirnya berakhir, dan akhirnya saya bebas untuk melihat apa yang selalu ada tepat di depan wajah saya. Begitu saya mulai sadar di suatu tempat yang disebut kenyataan, semua ilusi terputus. Ironisnya, saat itu aku merasa seperti Saul dari Tarsus rasakan saat selaput jatuh dari matanya. Melihat hal baru yang aneh ini disebut kenyataan, di mana saya benar-benar diizinkan untuk berpikir dan membentuk opini saya sendiri, baru dan indah. Awalnya hampir memabukkan, dan melimpah pada saat bersamaan. Saya sekarang bebas menerapkan logika untuk merancang berbagai hal dan memecahkan masalah, dengan realitas kehidupan.
Dengan kebebasan, dan akhirnya pribadi saya mengizinkan untuk berpikir bebas, saya benar-benar mengerti. Formula Menara Pengawal untuk pelayanan kepada organisasi tidak membuat orang bahagia. Ini sebenarnya berfungsi untuk memperbudak mereka secara mental, dan mencuri kehidupan mereka, yang kemudian dicurahkan untuk kepentingan perusahaan penerbitan. Hal ini telah terjadi pada saya, dan sampai batas tertentu kepada semua Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa. Saya telah begitu frustrasi dan seringkali marah karena saya berpartisipasi dalam menjalani hidup saya yang dicuri dari saya! Menemukan bahwa Anda telah terlibat dalam perbudakan mental Anda sendiri adalah penemuan yang mengerikan, tapi memang sebuah perkembangan.
Memproses Emosi yang Sebenarnya
Banyak orang bereaksi dengan kemarahan terhadap penemuan ini, seperti juga saya. Bagaimanapun, bagaimana mungkin Anda tidak marah saat mengetahui bahwa semua yang Anda lihat sebagai kenyataan tidak lain adalah kebohongan, dan akibatnya Anda telah ditipu untuk hidup dengan cara yang mungkin tidak dapat Anda pilih? Ada kemarahan, luka dalam, rasa kehilangan yang besar, dan lebih banyak kemarahan. Memproses emosi besar seperti itu setelah dipaksa untuk ditekan sepanjang hidup Anda bukanlah tugas kecil. Kesadaran bahwa sekarang Anda harus meninggalkan semua orang yang pernah Anda ketahui di belakang jika Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk bahagia adalah prospek yang menakutkan, dan sangat membingungkan, terutama bila Anda telah diajarkan sepanjang hidup Anda untuk menggunakan metode sosialisasi yang destruktif ketika berhubungan dengan orang non-Saksi.
Setelah melewati badai terbangunkan dari keberadaan koma lama di bawah pengaruh Menara Pengawal, dan setelah memprosesnya, dan terus mengolahnya, memungkinkan saya untuk memahami kebahagiaan Watchtower sebenarnya. Ini adalah sebuah akting. Akting tersebut dipaksakan pada mereka yang melayani Menara Pengawal atas biaya kebahagiaan yang sebenarnya, impian mereka, cita-cita, keinginan, dan keberadaan mereka sebenarnya. Organisasi Menara Pengawal dengan kejam dan tanpa ampun mengekstrak korban mereka, menyamar sebagai organisasi yang digunakan oleh Tuhan. Kebahagiaan Menara Pengawal adalah bentuk kesengsaraan yang paling murni, berpura-pura menjadi sukacita.
Pernyataan keras yang saya katakan mungkin tidak berlaku bagi semua orang yang melayani layanan penuh waktu ke organisasi Menara Pengawal. Banyak dari orang-orang itu benar-benar dan sangat percaya bahwa mereka melayani Tuhan yang paling tinggi, Yehuwa. Bagi mereka, mungkin ada beberapa rasa kepuasan dan kebahagiaan. Seperti kepada berapa orang, saya bahkan tidak bisa menebaknya. Tapi menurut pengalaman saya, bagi mereka yang melayani penuh waktu cenderung lebih menderita, tapi lebih baik menjadi berpura-pura bahagia.
Menemukan kebahagiaan sejati tidak dilakukan dengan melayani sebuah organisasi yang mengaku sebagai sesuatu yang secara faktanya tidak. Kebahagiaan sejati ditentukan oleh masing-masing individu, oleh diri sejati mereka, impian mereka, tujuan mereka. Bila seseorang memiliki kebebasan untuk mengetahui siapa mereka, dan untuk mengejar kepentingan mereka, maka mereka bebas untuk mengejar kebahagiaan mereka. Pandangan realistis tentang dunia dan masalah yang selalu kita hadapi memungkinkan kita untuk mendekati kehidupan dengan cara yang realistis. Menanti dengan sia-sia bumi firdaus Anda – sementara Anda melakukan hal-hal yang mungkin paling Anda benci tidak akan pernah mengarah pada kebahagiaan. Saya berbicara dari pengalaman lebih dari tiga dekade.
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¹ “Sistem baru” mengacu pada kepercayaan Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa bahwa bumi akan berubah menjadi firdaus setelah Harmagedon, ketika mereka mengharapkan setiap orang yang bukan salah satu Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa akan dihancurkan. Gambar “Sistem baru” ini dalam literatur Menara Pengawal sering menggambarkan anak-anak bermain dengan hewan peliharaan eksotis saat itu, termasuk beruang panda.
“Spike Raynor” adalah nama samaran dari seorang mantan penatuan dari agama Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa.
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Cerita kesaksian mantan penatua Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa ini dapat ditemukan di jwvictims.org.
Seseorang mengubah keyakinannya dari Kristen ke agama lainnya merupakan hal yang biasa. Tetapi perhatikan kisah kesaksian mantan tersebut. Ia murtad dari ajaran Saksi Yehuwa bukanlah karena masalah doktrin melainkan merasa dirinya dieksploitasi dan diperbudak sehingga hidupnya tidaklah bahagia dan terpuaskan.
Dari kisah tersebut kita bisa belajar bagaimana sikap pura-pura bahagia yang diperlihatkan seorang Saksi Yehuwa saat kita bertemu dengannya hanyalah sekedar topeng belakang. Ketidak-bahagiannya membuktikan bahwa mantan penatua ini bukanlah melayani bagi Allah yang sejati karena jika benar ia menjalankan kehendak Allah maka ia seharusnya menjadi bahagia danjiwanya terpuaskan karena beroleh ketenangan berdasarkan Matius 11 : 28-29, Yesaya 40 : 29-31.
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What is it like to be a zealous Jehovah’s Witness? The Watchtower teaches that when you are immersed in service to Jehovah as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you will live the most happy, fulfilling life possible. This claim is backed up by the many pioneers (individuals who have “volunteered” to spend 70 hours per month preaching Watchtower doctrine) that are always smiling and talking about how much they enjoy their life and ministry. Friendly elders and ministerial servants will always talk about how much joy their “privileges of service” bring to them. Circuit overseers talk about how much they enjoy their full-time service to Jehovah. The same goes for others involved in full-time service to Jehovah.
But, have you ever asked yourself, what it is like to actually live in their shoes and do what they are doing? You may think that this appearance of happiness they present to you is genuine, but can you really know for sure? There could very well be some individuals that are indeed as happy as they appear to be in their service to Jehovah, but there is something that the average Jehovah’s Witness does not know about these people.
Told to Be Happy, or At Least Look Happy
The Watchtower organization provides additional instruction to any individual that serves them in a greater capacity than the average publisher. That additional information includes repeated instruction to act like you are happy even when you are not, so as to encourage others to engage in some sort of full time service.
“What effect would complaining about our lot in life as a pioneer have on others?
When things get hard for us what should we do rather than express anxiety or complain to others?” – Shining as Illuminators in the World (2004), page 127
Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like; these individuals are repeatedly reminded that they need to look joyful in their service to recruit others to similar service. I served as a pioneer at one time, and later as an elder. In both roles, the additional instruction I received from the Watchtower included instructions/reminders/commands, whatever you want to call it, to look like you are joyful and enjoy the service.
I followed that advice, and avidly encouraged others to pursue some sort of full-time service. Does that mean that I was actually as happy as I looked? No. Not by any means. I probably should have won an award for acting, if indeed I did come across as enjoying my job as an elder, or any facet of service to “Jehovah,” which in reality I learned was service to the Watchtower organization.
The reality of my service to the Watchtower is that I was always extremely frustrated, and often times angry. To the best of my ability, I followed organizational mandates, and did what I was told to do. Despite this fact, or more appropriately, because of this fact, my life seldom worked out in a way that made me truly happy. I felt as if my life did not belong to me. There was always some other responsibility I was supposed to take care of for the organization, and I had precious little time I had to do anything I actually wanted to do. I put off my interests and any pursuit of things I wanted to do, believing that I would have time for that when paradise/the “new system” came.¹
When I pioneered, I came to realize that most of the pioneers actually were not as happy as they appeared to be. There were oftentimes disagreements among the pioneers, pettiness, and for some, an air of entitlement. The real pioneers I knew, for the most part, were not happy people. Some were, but most that I knew were not. The same can be said of many elders. They were often good at putting on the front, but many times were also not truly happy in any sense.
The Truly Happy Ones
As these realizations dawned on me, I also realized that the happiest Jehovah’s Witnesses I knew were the ones who existed on the fringes, and were not very zealous. Their lives always seemed to lead to more true happiness. Realizing this, at the time, only frustrated me more. How is it that I’m not getting Jehovah’s blessing for all my work, when these people seemingly are, but for considerably less effort? I never fully came to peace with that situation until after I “woke up.”
After I realized what the Watchtower was, I was finally able to understand my life experience. My decades of shutting my mind off had come to an end, and I was finally free to see what had always been right in front of my face. Once I started living in this place called reality, all illusions dropped away. Ironically, at the time I sort of felt like Saul of Tarsus must have felt when the scales fell from his eyes. Beholding this strange new thing called reality, where I was actually allowed to think and form my own opinions, was new and wonderful. It was almost intoxicating at first, and overwhelming at the same time. I was now free to apply the logic I used for designing things and solving problems, to the realities of life.
With both the freedom, and finally my own personal permission to think freely, I completely understood. The Watchtower formula for service to the Watchtower does not make anyone happy. It actually serves to enslave them mentally, and to steal their very life, which is then poured out for the benefit of a publishing corporation. This had happened to me, and happens to some extent to all of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I had been so frustrated and oftentimes angry because I was participating in having my own life stolen from me! Discovering that you have been complicit in your own mental slavery is a harrowing discovery, but indeed a formative one.
Processing Real Emotions
Many people react with anger to this discovery, as did I. After all, how could you possibly not be angry when you learn that everything you view as reality is nothing more than a lie, and consequently you have been tricked into living in a way that you may not have chosen? There was anger, deep hurt, a sense of great loss, and more anger. Processing such massive emotions after being forced to suppress them for your entire life is no small task. The realization that you must now leave everyone that you have ever known behind if you are to have any chance of happiness is a scary prospect, and considerably disorienting, especially when you have been taught for your entire life to use methods of socializing which are destructive to relationships with normal people.
Having weathered the storm of waking up from my long Watchtower-induced coma-like existence, and having processed it, and continually processing it, allows me to understand what Watchtower happiness really is. It is an act. The act is forced upon those who serve the Watchtower at the cost of their actual happiness, their dreams, goals, desires, their very being. The corporation coldly and mercilessly extracts their toll from individuals, masquerading as an organization that is used by God. Watchtower happiness is the purest form of misery, pretending to be joy.
Such a harsh statement may not be true of all who serve in full-time service to the corporation. Many of those individuals truly and deeply believe they are serving the most-high God, Jehovah. For them, there probably is some sense of fulfillment and happiness. As to how many that is, I can’t even guess. But in my experience, those who are serving full time tend to be more likely to be miserable, but better at pretending to be happy.
Finding true happiness is not accomplished by serving a corporation claiming to be something that it blatantly is not. True happiness is defined by each individual, by their true self, their dreams, their goals. When one has the freedom to know who they are, and to pursue their interests, then they are free to pursue their happiness. A realistic view of the world and the problems that we all inevitably face allows us to approach life in a realistic way. Waiting in vain for your own pet panda bear¹ while doing things you most likely hate doing will never lead to happiness. I speak from over three decades of experience.
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¹The “new system” refers to the belief of Jehovah’s Witnesses that the earth will be turned into a paradise after Armageddon, when they expect everyone who is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses will be destroyed. Pictures of this “new system” in Watchtower literature often depicts children playing with exotic pets at that time, including panda bears. *** ***
“Spike Raynor” is the pen name of a former elder of the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Visit his own YouTube page here for more insights on the Watchtower practices and policies.
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Seseorang mengubah keyakinannya dari Kristen ke agama lainnya merupakan hal yang biasa. Tetapi perhatikan kisah kesaksian mantan tersebut. Ia murtad dari ajaran Saksi Yehuwa bukanlah karena masalah doktrin melainkan merasa dirinya dieksploitasi dan diperbudak sehingga hidupnya tidaklah bahagia dan terpuaskan.
Dari kisah tersebut kita bisa belajar bagaimana sikap pura-pura bahagia yang diperlihatkan seorang Saksi Yehuwa saat kita bertemu dengannya hanyalah sekedar topeng belakang. Ketidak-bahagiannya membuktikan bahwa mantan penatua ini bukanlah melayani bagi Allah yang sejati karena jika benar ia menjalankan kehendak Allah maka ia seharusnya menjadi bahagia danjiwanya terpuaskan karena beroleh ketenangan berdasarkan Matius 11 : 28-29, Yesaya 40 : 29-31.
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Kutipan Dalam Bahasa Aslinya
What Is It Like to Be a “Zealous” Jehovah’s Witness? A Former Elder Tells His Side of the Story
What is it like to be a zealous Jehovah’s Witness? The Watchtower teaches that when you are immersed in service to Jehovah as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you will live the most happy, fulfilling life possible. This claim is backed up by the many pioneers (individuals who have “volunteered” to spend 70 hours per month preaching Watchtower doctrine) that are always smiling and talking about how much they enjoy their life and ministry. Friendly elders and ministerial servants will always talk about how much joy their “privileges of service” bring to them. Circuit overseers talk about how much they enjoy their full-time service to Jehovah. The same goes for others involved in full-time service to Jehovah.
But, have you ever asked yourself, what it is like to actually live in their shoes and do what they are doing? You may think that this appearance of happiness they present to you is genuine, but can you really know for sure? There could very well be some individuals that are indeed as happy as they appear to be in their service to Jehovah, but there is something that the average Jehovah’s Witness does not know about these people.
Told to Be Happy, or At Least Look Happy
The Watchtower organization provides additional instruction to any individual that serves them in a greater capacity than the average publisher. That additional information includes repeated instruction to act like you are happy even when you are not, so as to encourage others to engage in some sort of full time service.
“What effect would complaining about our lot in life as a pioneer have on others?
When things get hard for us what should we do rather than express anxiety or complain to others?” – Shining as Illuminators in the World (2004), page 127
Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like; these individuals are repeatedly reminded that they need to look joyful in their service to recruit others to similar service. I served as a pioneer at one time, and later as an elder. In both roles, the additional instruction I received from the Watchtower included instructions/reminders/commands, whatever you want to call it, to look like you are joyful and enjoy the service.
I followed that advice, and avidly encouraged others to pursue some sort of full-time service. Does that mean that I was actually as happy as I looked? No. Not by any means. I probably should have won an award for acting, if indeed I did come across as enjoying my job as an elder, or any facet of service to “Jehovah,” which in reality I learned was service to the Watchtower organization.
The reality of my service to the Watchtower is that I was always extremely frustrated, and often times angry. To the best of my ability, I followed organizational mandates, and did what I was told to do. Despite this fact, or more appropriately, because of this fact, my life seldom worked out in a way that made me truly happy. I felt as if my life did not belong to me. There was always some other responsibility I was supposed to take care of for the organization, and I had precious little time I had to do anything I actually wanted to do. I put off my interests and any pursuit of things I wanted to do, believing that I would have time for that when paradise/the “new system” came.¹
When I pioneered, I came to realize that most of the pioneers actually were not as happy as they appeared to be. There were oftentimes disagreements among the pioneers, pettiness, and for some, an air of entitlement. The real pioneers I knew, for the most part, were not happy people. Some were, but most that I knew were not. The same can be said of many elders. They were often good at putting on the front, but many times were also not truly happy in any sense.
The Truly Happy Ones
As these realizations dawned on me, I also realized that the happiest Jehovah’s Witnesses I knew were the ones who existed on the fringes, and were not very zealous. Their lives always seemed to lead to more true happiness. Realizing this, at the time, only frustrated me more. How is it that I’m not getting Jehovah’s blessing for all my work, when these people seemingly are, but for considerably less effort? I never fully came to peace with that situation until after I “woke up.”
After I realized what the Watchtower was, I was finally able to understand my life experience. My decades of shutting my mind off had come to an end, and I was finally free to see what had always been right in front of my face. Once I started living in this place called reality, all illusions dropped away. Ironically, at the time I sort of felt like Saul of Tarsus must have felt when the scales fell from his eyes. Beholding this strange new thing called reality, where I was actually allowed to think and form my own opinions, was new and wonderful. It was almost intoxicating at first, and overwhelming at the same time. I was now free to apply the logic I used for designing things and solving problems, to the realities of life.
With both the freedom, and finally my own personal permission to think freely, I completely understood. The Watchtower formula for service to the Watchtower does not make anyone happy. It actually serves to enslave them mentally, and to steal their very life, which is then poured out for the benefit of a publishing corporation. This had happened to me, and happens to some extent to all of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I had been so frustrated and oftentimes angry because I was participating in having my own life stolen from me! Discovering that you have been complicit in your own mental slavery is a harrowing discovery, but indeed a formative one.
Processing Real Emotions
Many people react with anger to this discovery, as did I. After all, how could you possibly not be angry when you learn that everything you view as reality is nothing more than a lie, and consequently you have been tricked into living in a way that you may not have chosen? There was anger, deep hurt, a sense of great loss, and more anger. Processing such massive emotions after being forced to suppress them for your entire life is no small task. The realization that you must now leave everyone that you have ever known behind if you are to have any chance of happiness is a scary prospect, and considerably disorienting, especially when you have been taught for your entire life to use methods of socializing which are destructive to relationships with normal people.
Having weathered the storm of waking up from my long Watchtower-induced coma-like existence, and having processed it, and continually processing it, allows me to understand what Watchtower happiness really is. It is an act. The act is forced upon those who serve the Watchtower at the cost of their actual happiness, their dreams, goals, desires, their very being. The corporation coldly and mercilessly extracts their toll from individuals, masquerading as an organization that is used by God. Watchtower happiness is the purest form of misery, pretending to be joy.
Such a harsh statement may not be true of all who serve in full-time service to the corporation. Many of those individuals truly and deeply believe they are serving the most-high God, Jehovah. For them, there probably is some sense of fulfillment and happiness. As to how many that is, I can’t even guess. But in my experience, those who are serving full time tend to be more likely to be miserable, but better at pretending to be happy.
Finding true happiness is not accomplished by serving a corporation claiming to be something that it blatantly is not. True happiness is defined by each individual, by their true self, their dreams, their goals. When one has the freedom to know who they are, and to pursue their interests, then they are free to pursue their happiness. A realistic view of the world and the problems that we all inevitably face allows us to approach life in a realistic way. Waiting in vain for your own pet panda bear¹ while doing things you most likely hate doing will never lead to happiness. I speak from over three decades of experience.
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¹The “new system” refers to the belief of Jehovah’s Witnesses that the earth will be turned into a paradise after Armageddon, when they expect everyone who is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses will be destroyed. Pictures of this “new system” in Watchtower literature often depicts children playing with exotic pets at that time, including panda bears. *** ***
“Spike Raynor” is the pen name of a former elder of the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Visit his own YouTube page here for more insights on the Watchtower practices and policies.
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saya juga merasakan hal yang sama,tidak ada kebebasan dan kebahagiaan yang luar biasa selain keluar dari organisasi...jadi benar sekali artikel yang sdr tuliskan diatas...
ReplyDeleteSesederhana itu lah seharusnya. Penatua itu bahkan belum masuk " meragukan ajaran", jadi tidak dipecat tapi keluar diam2.
ReplyDeleteKesaksian Hutasoit lebih faktual dr kesaksian yg ini.
Kesaksian menghadapi penatua yg menyebalkan malah nggak usah ditulis.
Pintaran penatua ini dibanding 8 orang redaktur watchtower.